Interface Edit

by SinisterJ
Interface-based edit command library. [More]
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://SinisterJ.Interface_Edit##version=7

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.7
Date added: Aug 31 2015
Last updated: Jan 9 2016
4 fans
This library was designed with the intent of editing things faster than the traditional verb approach. Who doesn't want that?

-Compact design keeps the tool out of your way
-4 wide grid displays variables in a clear and easy to read manner
-Verb, right click, and double click options for selecting the target.
-Both a manual and "Live" search function to sort through the clutter of variables
-An "Ignore list" to keep variables you want left alone out of the listing
-With effectively infinite tracking you're able to edit deep within your target,e.g. mob>datum>datum>obj and still go back to your initial target without any worry
-Editing, adding, and removing values from lists without worry
-Editing lists that aren't attached to any atom or datum
-Editing an effectively infinite amount of lists within lists

I was inspired by Maximus_Alex2003's "Max_Edit" demo and decided to try my hand at the idea.

There's no reason to publicly recognize me if you use this, though if you sent me a message and thanked me privately I'd appreciate it.


Kats: (Sep 10 2015, 3:45 am)
I mostly use a command line interface for variable editing that I wrote a while back, but this graphical editor is just kick ass!