DM Tutorial

by SSJgoku321
DM Tutorial
My first attempt at a byond tutorial. Post your comments in the forumns please. [More]
To download this demo for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://SSJgoku321.DMTutorial##version=1

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1
Date added: Jul 19 2004
Last updated: Jul 29 2009
0 fans
Well, not much more to say then it's a pretty basic tutorial that defines many of the basic aspects of the DM language, and is pretty easy to understand because I understand it and I am pretty much the dumbest developer ever to roam the earth, but thats beside the point. I only ask one thing, and that is not to edit any stolen information(aka assosciate yourself in a rip.).

Explains the basic's of the atomic objects. mob/obj/turf/area, verbs, procs etc..

Once I am finished with version 1 I will be adding an easy to understand character handling system. So far I have gotten a few reports from users that my guide answers many of their questions. I am getting most of my information from the byond guide, but am taking out the stuff that isn't really necessary and making the stuff that is pretty friggin easy to understand.
