Party It Up!

Party over here! [More]
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://NNAAAAHH.Partyitup##version=2

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.2
Date added: Aug 25 2015
Last updated: Sep 30 2015
0 fans
Get your party on! Right?

[Update 9/30/2015]:
-Now, the 'Join' option is removed once the party is full, then re-given when the party is not.

This library uses a few variables and several commands to give you datum-based parties.

I feel like I may have over done the white-space and comments getting this ready for a library release. I had a incomplete party system lying around with the base premises implemented and decided to finish it. Released after moderate testing, so if you find anything amiss or that could be improved upon, please feel free to provide feedback.

Usually I don't comment through my code or use much of any white-space, but I went through and separated everything and added comments on almost every line(you're welcome?). This may have resulted in feeling the need to over-comment and over-space the code.

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NNAAAAHH: (Aug 26 2015, 1:56 pm)
I went ahead and made the change, as well as added in a few checks to help ensure players don't attempt to join the same party twice.

Any further feedback is appreciated.
NNAAAAHH: (Aug 26 2015, 1:34 pm)
I thought that may have been the case, but I wasn't sure what exactly the collector grabs and doesn't, probably should've done more looking into the matter. The reference starts out explaining it to cover datums too, but then it goes on to describe it in a manner to which lead me to think it may have just been obj and mob types. My bad, yo.
Kaiochao: (Aug 26 2015, 12:50 pm)
The garbage collector doesn't treat objs any different from any other datum.
NNAAAAHH: (Aug 26 2015, 8:13 am)
Because of how I handle them.

Unless I completely misunderstand the above and am a moron, which is entirely possible(as I've barely kept touch with DM through the last year-year and a half).
Ganite: (Aug 26 2015, 7:40 am)
Why would you make party an obj and not just its own Datum?