Projectile Utilities

by Lugia319
Some projectile functions [More]
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Version Demo
Date added: Jun 7 2014
Last updated: Jun 8 2014
0 fans
Included I have a few projectile functions.

Freeze - Stops projectile, will continue path afterwards
Change_Speed - Changes the speed of projectile (up/down)
Reverse - Reverses its orders
-- To clarify, if the projectile is moving N, N, E, this proc will make the orders E, N, N. I may change it to do an inverse later.

1. To show off the speed change function, I have decreased tick lag to 0.1. It'll make your movement funky.
2. Be wary of Reverse. Depending on when in the tick order it's executed, it'll cause an extra step. I'm trying to figure out an intuitive demonstration of how to fix this but until then, just a heads up.


Delta0Zero2: (Jul 25 2016, 2:00 am)
Drag racing perhaps?