Rate maintenance

by Klogaum

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Dec 11 2023
Last updated: Dec 12 2023
0 fans
The code preserves the size of icons under any resolution.

As I haven't seen a similar guide yet, I decided to share it.

This is basically a simple calculation for rate maintenance.

1366X768 The zoom is 1x
On larger monitors... It will be greater than 1x


Inuyashaisbest: (Feb 25 2024, 3:43 pm)
F0lak wrote:
Ter13 wrote:
I've never seen this code before. Please don't name-drop me like that. It's weird.

No.. no.. that checks out as your code for sure

Definitely a Ter code.
F0lak: (Jan 31 2024, 7:17 pm)
Ter13 wrote:
I've never seen this code before. Please don't name-drop me like that. It's weird.

No.. no.. that checks out as your code for sure
Meme01: (Jan 9 2024, 2:53 pm)
I reckon this is a language barrier. He probably means "I'll ask".
Ter13: (Jan 8 2024, 12:11 am)
Ter13 wrote:
I ask Ter13 to improve my codes.

When and where? I have no memory of interacting with you in about a year.

I've never seen this code before. Please don't name-drop me like that. It's weird.
Klogaum: (Dec 14 2023, 12:25 pm)
It's not noticeable. The size stays the same every time.
I ask Ter13 to improve my codes. He's much more experienced than I am.
We KNOW that this code is missing.