
by Gunbuddy13
Shows how to draw a continuous connection between two atoms [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Gunbuddy13.Beam_Demo##version=0

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Latest Version
Date added: Sep 28 2010
Last updated: Sep 29 2010
6 fans
Provides the code and some example icons that can allow you to draw a line between two atoms that will continue to follow between them if either moves.
Could be used for a tractor beam or to draw some kind of leash for an enemy to be tied to a post of some kind.


Delta0Zero2: (Jul 25 2016, 1:51 am)
Definitely cool.
Phoestre: (Jul 17 2011, 11:34 pm)
Definitly worth a try! Looks very nice and doesn't cause much lag at all.
Ss4toby: (Jan 24 2011, 3:53 am)
Was pretty much same o'le same o'le until I saw the DrawBox proc used to chop off excess. All I can say is nice... I never thought of doing that for some reason XD.
OrangeWeapons: (Dec 28 2010, 4:29 pm)
I know this demo was written a while ago, and you probably won't see this, but if you do, I'd just like to say that it's freakin' sweet.