Server Manager

by Fushimi
Server Manager is a tool developed to automatically update your game without having to bother in shutting down and using ftp to your shell, or even locally. [More]
To download this demo for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Fushimi.ServerManager##version=23

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 2.1
Date added: Oct 15 2012
Last updated: Feb 22 2015
12 fans
What is Server Manager?Server Manager is a tool developed to handle your servers with relative ease.
You can add a game, start hosting it, shut it down, reboot it, and automatically Update it through our innovative SUS(Scheduled Updates System).

When your server is shut down externally of this tool, it recalls startup() to bring it back up.

:: Other Info ::
You can access our wiki on GitHub by clicking the [Documentation] link. It is strongly recommended to read the wiki before requesting support, as it may clarify all your doubts.

Thanks to:
Audeuro for his support, help, and the Ini Reader library.


Fushimi: (Feb 1 2014, 6:27 am)
I am currently working on an auto updater engine, it is mostly done, after I get it polished it will be released.

Originally this project was a mere test of a few procedure's behavior, and I am truely proud it got that far, and evrn though I left it a yrar aho, as you may notice I got my hands on it again, which brought to you the v2 update series.

I am currently aiming to have a better UI that relies on simplicity, it should as well be user-friendly, in order to induce the less confusion possible. If anyone is willing to help with that part, graphically, I would really appreciate it.

UI apart, I need soomeone that is currently using this utility ti give criticism and feedback. So is anyone doing so?
Straw Hat Creations: (Oct 18 2012, 6:25 pm)
As always, great job!
King_LiOnZ: (Oct 16 2012, 7:18 pm)
Amazing, nice work!