Referenceby Forum_account |
Create custom DM reference pages that appear in Dream Maker's help. [More] |
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:
DreamDownload byond://Forum_account.Reference##version=3 Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:byond://Forum_account.Reference##version=3 |
This library lets you create custom DM reference pages that will appear in Dream Maker's help when you press F1. To create a page you define a type of datum using DM code, like this:
REF/my_new_page The library defines the world.generate_reference() proc. Call this and reference pages will be generated for each /REF datum you defined. Version 1.2 • The args var can now be a list or a string. • Added the possible_values var, which is a list. • Added support for the library var. The var should be a string of the format "/author/library", which correspond's to the library's hub entry. A link will be put on every entry whose library value is set, indicating it's part of a library and linking to a help page whose name matches the library string. Version 1.1 • The library no longer starts with a fresh copy of info.html each time you generate reference pages. It still creates a backup so world.restore_reference() still works, but it writes changes to the same file. • Added the world.parse_reference proc which opens info.html and finds all page names. • When writing new reference pages, old pages of the same name are cut out of info.html before the new page is written. Version 1 • Initial release. |
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Before modifying info.html it creates a backup of it. The library has a proc (world.restore_reference, I think) that replaces info.html with the backup of the original.