Floors: The Multiple Layer Demo V3.15

by Drumersl
Floors: The Multiple Layer Demo V3.15
A system which allows for multiple layers on a map [More]
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Version 3.15
Date added: Nov 3 2006
Last updated: Jan 19 2011
7 fans
This demo shows how the Move() procedure can be rewritten to allow for multiple layers on a single z level. You can use any of the code for whatever evil schemes you can dream up.

This system allows for many levels to be created. This could be used for a building with multiple floors, bridges, or even elevation differences.

However, this is more of a tech demo than anything else. It would be difficult to apply this to anything but a game with small maps because of the overhead created.

If you find any bugs post on the Floors forum.

Credit where credit is due: This demo is an expansion on Garthor's Quasiturf demo

Updates: (Full notes are included in demo)

Version 3.15 - 12/15/2010
-Added invisibility image which at least allows you to see yourself when invisible
This added a variable to mob named invisibleimage, just set this to whatever you want
and that image will be displayed when invisibility is set

Version 3.10 - 12/14/2010
-Now allows for invisibility
HOWEVER, invisibility has to be set at 90 or above and currently there is no way to
see_invisibile, it is just possible to make invisible
To do use the mInvisible() proc
-This reduces the number of possible layers to around 80, although such a high number
would still be hard to work with

Version 3.01 - 12/13/2010
Version 3.00 - 12/13/2010
Version 2 - 3/13/2007
Version 1 - 11/1/2006