Static Lighting Generator

by DarkCampainger
Generate advanced hard-edge static lighting [More]
To download this demo for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://DarkCampainger.StaticLightingGenerator##version=0

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version Hard-Edge 0.0
Date added: Aug 20 2009
Last updated: Dec 10 2009
4 fans
The generator will create a pixel-based shadow image layer for your map. It is incredibly slow, static, and large -- only use it if you know what you're doing.

Released as a demo because I can't possibly hope to cover all possible implementations as a library would require. Expect to have to add some things, although a fully working demo is included.

Good luck, you'll need it.