Dynamic Lighting Experiment

by DarkCampainger
Source code for an in-progress dynamic lighting and shadow casting system [More]
To download this demo for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://DarkCampainger.DynamicLightingExperiment##version=1

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Version 0.1 First Fix
Date added: Feb 16 2016
Last updated: Feb 17 2016
6 fans
Early preview of code for dynamic lighting and shadow casting.

See included ShadowDraft.xcf for the basic idea behind the shadow casting.
Feel free to post any questions on this hub's forum.

Known issues:
- planes are not currently recycled, so it will fairly quickly run out if there are many lights or lights are created dynamically.
- Static lighting is currently not included (need to update generator)
- There are some edge-cases for when the mob is very close to the shadow ray origin or parallel to it and it incorrectly shades as fully shadowed

Version History:

Version 0.1 2016-02-18
Fixed mob layering issue

Version 0.0 2016-02-17
Initial Release