Skill System

by Carnage Productions
Skill system/projectiles [More]
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://CarnageProductions.SkillSystem##version=2

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.2
Date added: Nov 16 2012
Last updated: Jul 12 2015
3 fans
Ever wanted to determine all your projectiles with one proc instead of multiple?

Well hopefully this can help

Small update july 2015


Carnage Productions: (Nov 19 2012, 12:19 am)
You mean with Click? or Dblclick?
GreyF0x: (Nov 18 2012, 9:02 pm)
Can i give you a suggestion can you add a skill that can move like you can move it.
Carnage Productions: (Nov 17 2012, 11:19 pm)
Thanks for the good reviews guys, ill be honest when i wrote this up i wrote it for my brother in law who i'v recently introduced hence alot of the seemingly useless commenting.

About the space thing thats how i'v always done it my style i guess, if its an issue i can change that.
Red Hall Dev: (Nov 17 2012, 4:55 pm)
Yeah I mean between operators and also a space after the comment to separate it from the line. It greatly reduces readability which is why it's more of a practice thing. I know some people use variations for different reasons and I don't care so much about that but outright running everything possible together is not very good.

If you go to any professional programming institution they'll teach you to use spacing in your code, the same way they'll teach you that something like x.loc = y.loc doesn't really need the comment //Sets loc.
Kumorii: (Nov 17 2012, 4:41 pm)
The comments are there because it's a library; something other developers are supposed to learn from. Giving newbies code without documenting what does what wouldn't do much for them.

As for the spacebar comment; Are you referring to the tabbing or what? The only places I noticed that could use space were between arguments(i.e. speed = 0 instead of speed=0). However that doesn't make much of a difference at all as far as programming practice goes. It just increases the readability; thus making it more of a preference than anything else.

Tabbing with a tab button is always better than tabbing with space, so I hope that's not what you were referring to as far as the spacebar remark goes.


As for the library, it's very well done. Only issue is what Kaiochao already mentioned. Well done! (: