RPG Framework

by Albro1
A small framework for a simple RPG. Newbies can learn from it. [More]
To download this demo for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Albro1.rpgframework##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 2
Date added: May 1 2012
Last updated: May 3 2012
13 fans
You will need my maptext library.

Make sure you have BYOND version 494 for the maptext to function.

I would do a long description, but that's what the framework is documented for.


Forum_account: (May 23 2012, 1:14 pm)
Shanegirl wrote:
Albro1 wrote:
Shanegirl wrote:
Sorry, I didn't notice this "demo". I just assumed since the preprocessor included all of the files that they were all apart of it.

Yeah, the "demo" part has yet to be separated. If you took the time out of your day to read the previous comments, you would see that I got the suggestion from Forum_account.

Yet? So it will be. Take the time out of your day to go do that then. Should only take like- what- five minutes? You still haven't even done that yet.

The code for the framework is available for download. You're more than welcome to make improvements to it yourself. The BYOND community is full of people waiting for someone to make an awesome game or resource, but the community will only get good resources when people start working together.
Albro1: (May 23 2012, 12:55 pm)
I'm not buying a membership for a self-absorbed person who has nothing better to do than nitpick at every single thing. I'm done with this tangent.
A.T.H.K: (May 23 2012, 12:53 pm)
Here we go ... Face palm
Albro1: (May 23 2012, 12:52 pm)
So take the time out of your day to make something then.

You know, instead of flaunting your skill with no backup.

Oh, and don't say you're sorry. It's obvious you aren't.
Shanegirl: (May 23 2012, 12:48 pm)
Albro1 wrote:
Shanegirl wrote:
Yet? So it will be. Take the time out of your day to go do that then. Should only take like- what- five minutes? You still haven't even done that yet.

I'm going to have to ask you to stop being condescending and acting like you are better than everyone. I have other updates to do on the framework, I'm not updating it for that specific thing.

So please, feel free to not come back since this framework is so beneath your greatness.

That's so patronizing but true. I'm sorry to say; it's below me because I can do better.