GUI Handler

by Aiota
A simplified way to handle UI interfaces. [More]
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Aiota.GUIHandler##version=15

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.5.20190821
Date added: Dec 19 2018
Last updated: Aug 21 2019
3 fans
Compiled on BYOND 512.1477.

GUI Handler is a simple plug-and-play library designed to give a modern spin to classic UI interfaces of the past. The handler takes a hierarchy data approach to keep objects organized and easy to reference and access.

On-screen maptext
On-screen graphical UI
Menu layering via planes
Menu dragging via mouse
Menu scrolling via mouse click, mouse wheel, and mouse drag
Tooltips via mouse hover


1robib1: (Jul 27 2022, 4:35 pm)
thank you :-)
Czoaf: (Jul 2 2019, 11:14 am)
Thank you, it's great !!
Aiota: (Dec 21 2018, 5:31 pm)
Thank you!
Viper: (Dec 21 2018, 11:18 am)