
by AbyssDragon
Standard Geometric and Mathematical procs for every project [More]
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DreamDownload byond://AbyssDragon.BasicMath##version=1

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Version 1
Date added: Feb 21 2002
Last updated: Jul 29 2009
10 fans
This library contains basic geometric and mathemetical procs that I have found useful in nearly every project.

(used to be AbyssDragon.AbyssLibrary)

Here's what it contains:
getline() - uses a very fast algorithm to draw get a list of turfs in a line between two points
getcircle() - get a list of turfs forming a filled circle of any width around a center
getring() - get a list of turfs forming a ring of any width around a center
xrange() - extended version of range(), works at any range
midpoint() - find midpoint between two atoms
distance() - find true distance
get_steps() - a multi-step version of get_step()
cardinal() - gets a list all turfs in the four cardinal directions from a target
cardinal_stuff() - gets a list of all mobs/objs in the four cardinal directions from a target
allclear() - checks for dense objs/mobs in a turf
sign() returns the sign of a number

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