Basic Game Demo

by Abrax
Covers Login, picking Clan/Race, Projectiles and much more [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Abrax.BasicGameDemo##version=0

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Latest Version
Date added: Oct 22 2009
Last updated: Oct 29 2009
18 fans

Basic Game Demo

This little demo will explain how to make basic thing on a naruto game, even tho it can be used for any game

This Demo include:
- Login
- Picking your name
- Picking a clan
- Giving clan jutsus to their clans
- Easy way to freeze someone
- Push back kaiten
- Housenka
- Projectile System

I don't need any credit for these, just wouldnt mind if you guys invite me to your game after it's done ;D
If you find a bug, comment on my blog and I will fix it