Fast, simple, abstract 47-state autojoining library
by Forum_account | Apr 17 2011
Lets you specify regions of the map that trigger Entered and Exited events.
by Ter13 | Sep 15 2013
Create and manage pools of objects for retrieval and reuse later.
by Stephen001 | Jun 28 2011
A library for creating finite state machines.
Handle generic temporary combat effects efficiently and cleanly
by Unknown Person | May 8 2008
A library that implements basic data structures used in everyday programming.
by Theodis | May 19 2005
A priority queue data structure built using a binary heap.
Interact with the mouse more easily and more concisely
by Cody123100 | Nov 2 2010
A RestrictedNumber data type
A list kept sorted by the contained item's ref value
by ACWraith | Jul 8 2008
Reusable datum handling votes with ID restrictions.
by Alexkar598 | Jun 14 2021
BYOND JSON (de)serialization with versioning and type checking
by Popisfizzy | Dec 23 2019
pif_ShuffleQueue is a queue-like data structure, but with a twist.
by Ter13 | Aug 26 2017
Handle attack/skill cooldown periods flexibly and simply (supports saving)
This library implements an iterator protocol for incrementally iterating through data, for example from a data structure ...
by Nickr5 | Mar 20 2011
A library for reading and writing JavaScript Object Notation.
by Theodis | Jan 20 2009
A datum which uses the flood fill algorithm to find all connected nodes on a graph according to a supplied criteria
by GunRunner | Nov 25 2007
A way to replace the use of lists
by Hiead | Dec 4 2006
A simple demonstration of linking objects into a chain
by Polaris8920 | Apr 9 2006
A small collection of procedures that have been transformed into datum versions.
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Big shoutout to F0lak for reporting the joining bug I cleared with 2.0c was still happening. Either I forgot to upload …
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