by Ralf1324 | Jun 24 2006
Tags: admin
The most important GM Commands for any game.
by Fushimi | Oct 16 2012
Server Manager is a tool developed to automatically update your game without having to bother in shutting down and using ...
by Nickr5 | Dec 26 2010
Tags: admin
A convenient and easy-to-use logging system for DM.
by Yash 69 | Nov 22 2008
Tags: admin
Stops people from multikeying the right way
by Crispy | Jan 31 2003
Tags: admin
"And STAY out!"
by PrinceVegeta122 | Jun 25 2010
Tags: admin
A library performing basic IP and CPU banning
by Edit Nero | Jun 2 2014
Tags: admin, demo
A great collaboration of verbs for staff use!
by Yash 69 | Aug 31 2009
Tags: admin
A name filtering system that covers a lot of things most games don't think about
by SinisterJ | Sep 1 2015
Interface-based edit command library.
by Aries | Jun 5 2009
Tags: admin
A demonstration on how to use client.computer_id to completely ban a computer from your game.
by ACWraith | Jul 15 2008
Tags: admin
Filter chat and automate muting.
by Nick231 | Feb 5 2005
Tags: admin
Completely restart DreamDaemon or upload files to update.
by Gughunter | Jun 11 2003
Tags: admin
A simple system for enforcing time delays -- use for spam prevention, movement, spellcasting, whatever you like!
You can SEARCH for what you want! :)
by Legendary Prince 12 | Jan 30 2010
Tags: admin
Restrict players from logging in under guest keys
by Mobius Evalon | Apr 2 2009
Tags: admin
Solid administration system backbone with a Wiznet database backend.
by ACWraith | Jul 8 2008
Tags: admin
A datum which displays and stores house rules.
by Yamikaiba1236 | Nov 13 2006
Tags: admin
This contains basic Admin verbs and some other Admin verbs.
by Tails5 | Nov 1 2006
Tags: admin
This is an admin system for your games
by Holy Retribution | Aug 15 2005
Tags: admin
A ban system which uses .txt files to store banned keys and IP's, ideal for including via external scripts (PHP, CGI, ...
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