by ACWraith | Aug 18 2004
Tags: turns
Handle turns for any datum (whether it's a mob or not).
by ACWraith | Feb 20 2010
Tags: players, sorting
Handle spectators, waiting lists, and players across a server.
by ACWraith | Oct 19 2007
Tags: events
Automate actions with merged triggers and events.
by ACWraith | Nov 4 2006
Tags: events
A library for handling what happens and when. (Events and triggers.)
Multiple rooms. Flexible automation and interface.
by ACWraith | Jul 15 2008
Tags: admin
Filter chat and automate muting.
by ACWraith | Sep 22 2008
Tags: turns
Handle simultaneous turns or long turn pipes.
by ACWraith | Jul 8 2008
Tags: admin
A datum which displays and stores house rules.
by ACWraith | Jul 7 2008
Tags: time
A reusable timer which relies on ticks and can be paused.
by ACWraith | Nov 25 2007
Tags: movement
Handle multi-tile objects of any shape without extra objects.
by ACWraith | Feb 21 2012
Tags: maps
Procedural map generation framework.
by ACWraith | Feb 15 2012
Tags: maps, math
Split and merge planes of integer dimensions.
by ACWraith | Sep 6 2008
Tags: multitile
Create icons larger than 32x32 pixels and use flick().
by ACWraith | Jul 19 2008
Tags: players, sorting
A way to handle players, waiting lists, and spectators.
by ACWraith | Jul 8 2008
Reusable datum handling votes with ID restrictions.
by ACWraith | Feb 16 2012
Tags: maps, pathfinding
Abstract maze creation, management and path-finding.
by ACWraith | Feb 9 2012
Tags: maps, math
Abstract mazes identifying forks, dead ends, etc.
by ACWraith | Jul 18 2007
Tags: events
Handle what happens when. (Events and triggers.) For BYOND 4.0+.
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